Scenes of a waterfront, including beaches and piers with boats. Interesting how the sky takes up the same, if not more, space that the water and other positive space does. Gives it a sense of balance, with the emptiness of the sky contrasted against the varied values of the water and the darks and lights of all of the objects within. The extremely interesting water surface, through the variance in contrast, makes for equally interesting visual aesthetic. Each of the photos has its own sense of serenity.
Scenes of a waterfront, including beaches and piers with boats. Interesting how the sky takes up the same, if not more, space that the water and other positive space does. Gives it a sense of balance, with the emptiness of the sky contrasted against the varied values of the water and the darks and lights of all of the objects within. The extremely interesting water surface, through the variance in contrast, makes for equally interesting visual aesthetic. Each of the photos has its own sense of serenity.