Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Ailynda Ho 10/3/14


  1. Your architectural photos have an interesting theme of line and lighting within them. However, I feel that many of your photos are more candid or impulsive rather than staged. Taking more of a structured approach and staging your subjects could be a nice tool for you to capture more of a theme with your human subjects.

  2. Describe: You have a lot of candid pictures of people along with pictures of architecture and nature on campus
    Analyze: I see a lot of repetition in forms in your pieces this week. These unified elements lead your eyes through your photographs and may be something to think about in the future
    Interpret: I am still not seeing a whole lot of meaning in your photographs but the portraits evoke more emotion.
    Judge: I would take more portraits! Those are your strongest works and they are working in your favor more!
