Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Shaina Patel week 3


  1. Description: Your images show many places on campus as quiet and private. It seems like no one is around.
    Interpretation: Your ten images give me a feeling of appreciation for everything around. We always walk by but never stop to admirer.
    Judgement: Each picture looks thought out. No one is seen in the background so I can tell there was patience when taking them.

  2. Your work of different places around campus is striking and well balanced. I like the depth of small subjects to large subjects and your range of architecture photographed. I think your most interesting work is that of small details, like the keys on the cement fence.

  3. Interpretation: Your 10 images were taken in public spaces, however there is no sign of other people. It seems that you were trying to a sense of loneliness and isolation, which I think you did successfully.

  4. Describe: images of still life objects around UF's campus
    Analyze: Again, I really like your repetition of elements. A lot of your images have repetition involved. If this is something you're interested in, you should look into abstract photography.
    Interpret: I think you're trying to show quiet moments on campus, which happen very rarely.
    Judge: I think you were successful with these images and that you should push the abstract element created through repetition.
